Lowest Priced Flights to Colombia on Aeromexico

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Book the lowest prices on flights to Colombia

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*Prices have been available for round trips within the last 48 hours and may not be currently available. Fares listed may be Basic Economy, which is our most restrictive fare option and subject to additional restrictions. Additional baggage charges and fees for other optional service may apply. Other terms and conditions may apply.

Travel to Colombia with Aeromexico

Book your flights to Colombia

A land of diverse landscapes and varying climates, Colombia boasts an array of natural attractions, numerous intriguing cities, and a fascinating culture. Well-known for Salsa, a lively party vibe, coffee, sparkling emeralds, wildlife, and the legends of the Lost City of Gold – El Dorado – Colombia is right up there in the world’s most exciting, eclectic, and captivating countries. Settle into comfortable seats and take advantage of inclusive refreshments when you book the best rates on flights to Colombia with Aeromexico.

Best of Colombia

The country’s capital of Bogota is a sensory treat! Simultaneously exciting and serene, historic and modern, elegant and edgy, enjoy getting under the skin of Bogota and discovering its many captivating layers. Roam the magnificent streets of La Candelaria, popping into quaint churches and fascinating museums, feasting your eyes on architectural jewels, feeling the energy in Plaza de Bolivar, and dining in terrific restaurants. Ride the cable car up Cerro de Monserrate for amazing views and shop, dine, and party in the pulsating Zona Rosa.

Explore colorful and soulful Cartagena, feast your eyes on the verdant Coffee Triangle, enjoy salsa supreme in Cali, discover Botero sculptures in Medellin, dance in the Barranquilla carnival, and become one with nature at a Bucaramanga park. With so many things to do in Colombia, start by booking your flight with Aeromexico today!